STEP ONE: Before we pick up a pencil, we need clarity on the goal at hand. We work with you to understand your business, your product/service, and most imporantly: your audience. Once we have the basics, then it’s time to identify your true value.
We believe you are more valuable than what you sell.
Your logo is the start of a conversation to your audience about your value; it doesn’t need to literally say WHAT you do. It does needs to feel appropriate for the world it lives in, though. The Apple logo isn’t a phone (but it feels appropriate on the back of one), Adidas’ isn’t a sneaker (but it feels appropriate on one), and Victoria’s Secret’s isn’t… well, you get the idea.
Examples of client profiles:
what they sell:
Sustainable, humanely-raised meat.
their true value:
Their audience includes high-end chefs and other culinary experts, and as a chef herself the founder of this company knows what they need for the kitchen. This unique understanding traslates into a deep level of trust, an essential value for her clientele. She delivers this with a charm and friendliness that makes the experience that much more enjoyable.
what they sell:
High-quality arts education, exhibits, and performances.
their true value:
An opportunity for their audience to express themselves creatively, a space to connect with like (and un-like) minds to help build a community from within, as well as a source of inspiration and pride for a town that is often overshadowed by its neighboring city, Charlotte.
STEP TWO: With a clear understanding of your true value, the next step is to pair it with a carefully considered personality and tone.
Your brand personality should be consistent, authentic, and appropriate.
To explore this, we typically narrow down 3-4 potential directions, then curate a spread of real-world examples to use as a way to start a conversation about the best approach.
examples of personality direction:
potential directions:
A. High-end fashion
B. Easy beauty/approachable
C. Universal appeal
chosen direction:
As we helped our client refine their vision, she revealed her intention to serve a more sophisticated clientele, which made option A the right fit for this start-up salon.
potential directions:
A. Simple/straightforward
B. Strong/stable
C. Sincere/human
D. Energetic/bright
chosen direction:
With a robust service list and an approach that focuses on keeping it simple for their audience, direction A was at the heart of the chosen solution.
STEP THREE: Now it’s finally time for the fun part: to design the logo concepts. The process is unique for each project, but many logos are developed at varying levels of polish; only the best of the best are presented for your consideration based on steps 1 & 2.
The presentation of the logos is a special moment for our clients and we take care to help make what can be a sometimes difficult choice. Each logo is presented in grayscale as well as handful of color combinations.
If a logo works in grayscale, it will work in color; the same cannot be said for the reverse.
To help visualize each logo in context, we apply them to assorted mockups based on realistic needs the client may have in the future.
mockup examples:

LASTLY: After reviewing the concepts and considering how it could be implemented, we’ll help you make a final selection.
Your first reaction is important, but we urge clients to digest the concepts for a week or so before making a selection.
A well-designed and thoughtfully considered logo can last well over 30 years; it’s always better to get it right than right now.
Now that you’ve got your new logo, we’ll create the material that will bring it to life. A logo is rarely seen floating in space without context so it’s important to remember:
A logo is not a brand.
A logo is the face of your brand, but it’s just the start of the development process. Think of it as the tip of the iceberg, with a whole world of potential of ways to support it; we look forward to helping you shape that as well.
Reach out today to give your company the logo it deserves.
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